- New papers 2021
Mikołaj Bieluga. – Siedlce: Scientific Publishing House Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, 2021. – ISBN: 978-83-66541-74-0. (link to the monography)
- Retrospection 1987 – 1992
Mikołaj Bieluga. - Siedlce: Scientific Publishing House Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities,, 2018. - ISBN 978-83-7051-906-3. (file #1, file #2, file #3, file #4, file #5, file #6)
- Edukacja plastyczna jako element inkluzji społecznej = The art education as an element of social inclusion
Mikołaj Bieluga. // Student niepełnosprawny. Szkice i rozprawy. - Z. 16 (9) (2016), s. 133-143. - ISSN 1689-6416 (link to the article)
- Daubs and scribbles
Mikołaj Bieluga. - Siedlce : Scientific Society of Siedlce, 2015. - ISBN 978-83-62160-32-7 (link to the article)
- The eye of the painter, or wasting your time writing
In: Humanities inspiration of the Inclusion in the Education / red. nauk. Sławomir Sobczak, Beata Bocian-Waszkiewicz, Aneta Niewęgłowska ; Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities - Siedlce : Publisher Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, 2014. - S. 29-33. - (Monographs / Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, ISSN 2083-4179 ; nr 155). (link to the article)
- From expression to identity
Treatise, published by University of Podlasie, Siedlce 2007
- The position of art. A look at the turn of XX and XXI century
The collection of studies edited by Adam Bobryk, Publisher University of Podlasie, Siedlce 2007
- Bibliography of papers published in the years 2000- 2005 by academic teachers employed at the Humanities Faculty of the University of Podlasie
Elaboration Edwarda Jarmocha i Krystyny Wojtczuk. Publishing house Akademii Podlaskiej, Siedlce 2006
- The exhibition of works of academic teachers at the Institute of Fine Arts - catalogue of the exhibition in: The development of educational theory and practice.
Fifteenth anniversary of the Institute of Education University of Podlasie in Siedlce (1991-2006). Edited by George Kunikowskiego, Richard Rosa, Tamara Zacharuk. Publisher University of Podlasie
- A question...
Social and Cultural Magazine of siding, No. 2 (28) 2006, p. 10 - 11
- A question about identity
A dissertation no 77, Publisher University of Podlasie, Siedlce 2004
- My painting
Modern Weekly, 1991 Number 17-18 (24-25), p.10
- Catharsis or mimesis - the art of a lost generation
Periodical Wheels KUL philosophical students, October 1988 / March 1989, No. 20-21, p. 161
- The latest British news - discussion of an exhibition
Philosophy - Philosophical Wheels Biannual Student KUL, February 22, 1988, No. 19, p. 93
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